The Legal Nurse Consultants Association of Canada (LNCAC) is comprised of both experienced and novice Legal Nurse Consultants (LNC). Founded in 2009, the LNCAC serves as a resource to its members by providing a forum for education and the exchange of information.
Due to the efforts of the LNCAC, Legal Nurse Consulting is now a recognized professional specialty of nursing in Canada. The LNCAC has gone from emerging group status to Associate Membership status with the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA). Ultimately, the goal of the LNCAC is to obtain recognition as a certified nursing sub-specialty and develop a certification exam with the CNA. The input, support and contribution of LNCAC members will be is essential in attaining this goal. As the LNCAC grows as an organization, the focus will shift to include additional work to uphold and support nursing standards of care and excellence in patient care.
LNCAC Committees are established by the executive to provide leadership and direction regarding the various initiatives being undertaken.
Education Committee
The education committee is established by the LNCAC executive to assist in providing educational content for our members. The LNCAC executive president and vice-president oversee this committee to ensure that LNCAC goals and initiatives are being met. The committee is responsible for helping to provide ongoing content, booking speakers, choosing webinars to share (based on member feedback), and locating “articles of the month”.
Newsletter Committee
The newsletter committee is established by the LNCAC executive to provide and prepare relevant content for our members and the public.
Website Committee
This committee is established by the LNCAC executive to assist in developing and updating content for the LNCAC website. The committee chair is responsible for sharing these content updates and edits with the LNCAC webmaster once approved by the president and vice-president.
LNCAC Bylaws Committee
This committee is established by the LNCAC executive to assist in reviewing, updating and applying agreed upon edits and changes to LNCAC bylaws, policies and practice documents.